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Gain 30% savings for fuel for your fleet


Sit back and check out the benefits of MyLNG

Solutions matching needs
Whether you have one or several dozen LNG vehicles. We will always find a beneficial solution for your company. 
Best price terms
We are a leader in the LNG market in Poland. We have our own LNG plant and we offer unbeatable refuelling terms.
Checking the volume of the refuelled LNG
With MyLNG, you can monitor the volume of the refuelled fuel online, in any third-party station and in your own. 
Refuelling available 24/7
We refuel LNG in the NON STOP procedure. You refuel vehicles whenever you need.
Certain and timely supplies without the necessity to check.
Volume, levels, LNG collection. No need to worry: our logistics cares all the time for you to have continuous access to LNG on the station.




MyLNG solutions

Select the best solutions for your company:


    FROM Omne

    MyLNG Card


    LNG-supplied vehicle owners



    From 1 vehicle



    In other stations at attractive prices



    Access to refuelling at good prices in the territory of Poland

    Remote monitoring of gas refuelling


  • MY LNG


    MyLNG Fleet


    Small and medium sized enterprises with LNG-fuelled vehicles



    up to 10 vehicles



    Own vehicles



    Quick implementation: up to 3 months

    Easy relocation of the station

    Own, autonomous refuelling point

  • MY LNG


    MyLNG Station


    Small and medium sized enterprises with LNG-fuelled vehicles



    20 vehicles and more



    Own and third-party vehicles



    Additional profit: sale of LNG

Establishing cooperation

Step by step

  • 1
    Fill in the form:
    Name, surname, contact data
  • 2
    We will contact you
    and we will together decide about the LNG refuelling method of match your needs
  • 3
    With MyLNG Card you get LNG refuelling right away.
    LNG refuelling in your depot with MyLNG Fleet within 3 months


Refuel LNG with MyLNG Card

Mapa stacji

Stacje tankowania LNG


Stacje tankowania LNG w przygotowaniu


MyLNG Card - how to make a card?

Prosimy o kontakt mailowy lub telefoniczny


Telefon: 22 439 01 00

email: mylng@omneenergia.pl


 Contact us


Contact us


Fill in the form




You have questions?


If you have more questions, contact our representative:


Omne Energia S.A.

ul. Broniewskiego 3

01-785 Warszawa


tel. +48 22 439 01 00



I consent to the processing of my personal data in accordance with the act of 29.08. 1997 on the protection of personal data (Dz.U. Nr 133, poz. 883) for the necessary contact with the customer. I declare that I have been informed about voluntary provision of personal data, about the right to review data and to rectify or remove them.

Privacy policy https://www.mylng.eu/policy_privacy

Data Protection Inspector - iod@perfectinfo.pl


Information on email correspondence

Pursuant to the Regulation of the European Parliament and Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC ( “GDPR”), please read the following information related to the processing of your personal data:


1. The controller of the personal data provided by you is Omne Energia S. A. with the seat in Warsaw (01-785) at ulica Broniewskiego 3, tel. 22 439 01 00,  biuro@omneenergia.pl

2. The controller appointed the Data Protection Inspector (PL abbr. IOD), email contact to IOD: iod@perfectinfo.pl

3. The personal data provided by you in the email message are processed for the following purposes:

a. to reply to the correspondence received by you, including the reply to the asked questions and provide information requested by you;

b. to further manage correspondence with you and to process the matter you bring about;

c. to determine, assert claims or protect against claims.

4. The legal basis for the processing is a legitimate interest of the Controller that consists in the management of the correspondence with you (Article 6(1)f GDPR).
5. The recipients of your personal data may be entities that provide for the Controller information processing, legal, advisory, insurance services under relevant contracts and entities authorised to receive your personal data under the effective law.
6. Your data will be processed during the correspondence period extended accordingly by the limitation period of claims, if any.
7. You have the right to: access the content of the data and request their rectification, removal, limitation of processing, and the right to object to the processing of the data.
8. You have the right to make complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office if you decide that the processing of your personal data violates the GDPR regulations.

9. Providing data by you is voluntary but necessary to correspond with you via email.
10. Your personal data will not be subject to automatic decision making, including profiling, and will not be transferred outside the European Union area or to international organisations.


ul. Broniewskiego 3

01-785 Warszawa

phone +48 22 439 01 00
